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Online Dating vs Other Styles of Dating

When it comes to meeting women, guys often have strong opinions about which methods work best. Some say night game is the best, while others say social circle game is the best. Well, let’s break down all the different styles of game to see the pros and cons of each. While I favor online dating, I’ll keep it objective.

Types of Game

  1. Night Game: Clubs, bars, parties.
  2. Daygame: Malls, stores, streets during the day.
  3. Online Game: Online dating.
  4. Social Circle Game: Meeting women through friends or work.

Each method has its own strengths and weaknesses, and no one type is the “best.” Your personality and lifestyle will dictate which method suits you best. The whole my way is the best is an oversimplification of a complex problem.

Online Dating: The Advantages

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Time Management Friendly

Efficiency: Online dating allows you to meet new women without leaving your house. No need to dress up, travel, or spend hours at a venue. You can manage your time more effectively and fit dating into your schedule seamlessly. This is really good if you are a busy person and are short on time due to work or other commitments.

Convenience: You can send messages anytime, whether it’s 2 AM or noon. This flexibility is unmatched by other game styles. You don’t have to worry about coordinating with anyone else’s schedule, making it ideal for busy individuals.


Anytime, Anywhere: Unlike night game, which requires late-night outings, or daygame, which depends on specific hours, online dating is accessible 24/7. You can swipe through profiles or send messages whenever you have a free moment, whether you’re on your lunch break or winding down before bed.

Less Rejection Stress

Ease of Use: Sending messages online is less intimidating than approaching women in person. You won’t feel the sting of rejection as acutely. If someone doesn’t respond or isn’t interested, it’s easier to move on without it affecting your confidence.

Anonymity: The initial anonymity of online dating can reduce the pressure and fear of rejection. You can take your time crafting messages and presenting yourself in the best light without the immediate face-to-face judgment.

High Volume

Mass Outreach: You can message dozens of women in a short amount of time. This is much faster than approaching women individually in daygame or nightgame. The ability to reach out to many potential matches increases your chances of finding someone compatible.

Variety: Online dating platforms offer a wide variety of profiles to choose from, giving you access to a larger pool of potential matches than you would typically encounter in your daily life. You can also filter the types of women you want much more easily.

Online Dating: The Disadvantages

Lots of Unattractive Matches

Quality Control: You’ll encounter many women who aren’t to your taste. Finding attractive matches can be time-consuming. You’ll need to sift through numerous profiles to find those that genuinely interest you, which can be frustrating at times.

Profile Inaccuracies: Some people may not accurately represent themselves in their profiles, leading to mismatched expectations when you meet in person on dates.

Low Response Rates

Patience Required: You might send out many messages and get few responses. Persistence is key. Low response rates can be discouraging, but it’s important to stay positive and keep trying. Some women tend to be less responsive online.

Algorithm Challenges: Dating apps use algorithms to match users, which can sometimes lead to your profile not being shown to as many people as you’d like.

Emotional Disconnect

Delayed Results: Some men get stuck chatting online and hesitate to set up real-life dates. This can waste time and emotional energy. It’s easy to get comfortable with online interaction and avoid taking the next step to meet in person.

Miscommunication: Without the benefit of body language and tone of voice, it’s easy for messages to be misinterpreted or for connections to feel less genuine.

Platform Restrictions

Site Limitations: Dating sites often impose restrictions, making it harder to connect with women compared to other game styles. Some platforms may limit the number of messages you can send or the profiles you can view without a paid subscription.

Competition: Popular dating apps and websites can be highly competitive, with many users vying for attention from the most attractive profiles.

Misleading Photos

Reality Check: Women might look different in person than they do in their profiles. This can lead to disappointment. It’s not uncommon for people to use outdated or heavily edited photos, so it’s important to manage your expectations.

Incomplete Profiles: Many online dating profiles lack full-body pictures or detailed information, making it harder to gauge physical attraction and compatibility accurately.

Other Game Styles: A Comparison

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Night Game

  • Pros: High concentration of attractive women, immediate feedback.
  • Cons: Requires late nights, potential for high spending, limited to specific times.


  • Pros: See exactly what you’re getting, a more relaxed environment.
  • Cons: Limited hours, fewer women available, requires more courage to approach.

Social Circle Game

  • Pros: Pre-established trust, easier conversations.
  • Cons: Limited pool of women, potential social complications if things don’t work out.

Best Fit by Personality Type

Ideal for Online Dating

  • Busy Professionals: Men with demanding jobs or tight schedules.
  • Introverts: Men who prefer writing over talking.
  • Older Men: Those who feel out of place in clubs.
  • Specific Preferences: Men looking for a particular type of woman.

Not Ideal for Online Dating

  • Thrill Seekers: Men who enjoy the chase and need immediate feedback.
  • Extroverts: Those who thrive in social settings.
  • Club Lovers: Men who enjoy the energy of nightclubs.
  • Talkative Types: Those who prefer in-person conversations.

Mastering Your Game Style

Focus on one game style at a time to master it. Once you’re consistently successful, you can explore other methods and boost your success. Choose one that you prefer and that suits your style. The rest of the game will fall into place right after.


All game styles can work if done correctly. The key is to find the one that aligns best with your personality and lifestyle. By focusing on a single style, you’ll gain proficiency faster and enjoy greater success in your dating life. Choose wisely, practice diligently, and happy dating!

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