Top Ten Newbie Dating Mistakes

Hey there, Ready to dive into the brutal truths that are screwing up your dating game? Buckle up, buttercup, because we’re about to rip apart those newbie mistakes holding you back from being a confident seducer. We’re covering it all. Let’s get started!

Eternal Chatter of the Mind:

First off, let’s address the negative thoughts in your head. You know, the ones with endless excuses and justifications. “I’m not good enough,” “She’s out of my league,” blah, blah, blah. Shut that down, buddy! The only thing standing between you and success is the story you keep telling yourself. Silence the inner critic, stop making excuses, and start taking action. Once you get a good positive mindset and frame everything will be easier.

Fashion and Grooming:

Look, if you’re still rocking those baggy jeans and haven’t seen a barber since the Bush administration, it’s time for a makeover. Invest in some decent grooming products, update your wardrobe, and maybe, just maybe, ask a fashion-savvy friend for help. Or better book a a coaching call with me and I will get you sorted. Confidence starts with feeling good about how you look. Remember, no one’s falling for the dude who looks like a homeless guy and has a mop on his head. Fix your grooming boys.

Must Read: Fashion Hacks to up your Grooming Game

Talking too much:

Hey, newsflash: Nobody wants to hear your entire life story in one sitting. Especially not on a first date. Keep the mystery. Let her slowly get to know you. I would rather say that on a first date let her do more of the talking. The more she opens up the more comfortable she will be with you. You need to ask interesting and open ended questions that make her actually talk about herself. Don’t ask yes-no questions.

Trying Too Hard to Impress:

There’s a fine line between playful banter and over-gaming, and crossing that line can be a surefire way to sabotage your chances. Women can smell a man’s neediness and desperation from miles away. Less is often more. Let the conversation flow naturally without turning every interaction into a performance. Chill out, buddy. Let her try to impress you not the other way around.

No Physical Escalation:

Words only get you so far. Physical touch is crucial. A gentle touch on the arm, a playful nudge, or a lingering hug can build attraction and spark chemistry. Don’t be afraid to break the touch barrier—just don’t be creepy about it. Learn to read the room and make her comfortable and then escalate. What you feel is what she is gonna feel from you. So if you feel creepy she will feel creepy. Law of state transference. So make sure your mindset is sorted out.

If you need help on how to be physical without being creepy. One of our coaches can help you 1 on 1 fix your problem. You can book a free call for the same.

Vocal Tonality and Your Body Language:

Your voice can be your greatest weapon. Speak with confidence, project your voice, and maintain a strong, masculine tone. No one’s attracted to a guy who speaks so low as if he’s asking for permission to exist. Confidence is contagious, so let your voice reflect your inner strength.

Stop fidgeting, stand tall, and maintain eye contact. Good body language communicates confidence and self-assurance. Walk like you own the place, even if you’re just trying to muster up the courage to say hi. Women love confidence more than anything. So make sure to show it. Confidence and good body language are key to making her attracted to you.

Notice her Body Language:

Actions speak louder than words, buddy. Notice how she reacts when you touch her. Is she shy but excited? Is she playing with her hair? Is she trying to touch you every chance she gets? Or is she uncomfortable?

Her body language is like a treasure map that will lead you to her heart. Reading her body language will make sure that you are not making her uncomfortable. Here are some tips on how to tell if she likes you.

Not listening to her:

This is key when it comes to dates and even in relationships. Listen to what she says and how she says it. Her body language is key and so is what she is saying. She might be telling you what she likes and what she wants to feel from you.

Women oftentimes will hint at what they want to feel from you. It’s like her giving you the keys to her house. By listening to her story and what she says you can understand the underlying emotion she is seeking.

For eg: let’s say a girl says “she wants a strong, tall man as her partner”. You ask her “what does having a strong tall partner make you feel that you really value in a relationship? ”

Most likely she will say something along the lines of “he can keep her safe, she will feel comfortable in his arms ” etc

Notice the emotion. Comfortable. What she wants you to give her is the comfort. Make her feel comfortable and safe and your actual height doesn’t matter. What matters is how you make her feel, and what she wants to feel from her ideal partner. So listen to her, my friend.

Over-Analyzing and Not Making it Fun:

Women are drawn to authenticity and emotional connection, not someone who overthinks every move. The idea of the date is to make it a fun interesting romantic story of how you two met and how it was a magical experience. Thats what she wants from you. Not a chess game. Trust your instincts and go with the flow. Be present and give her what she wants in terms of the emotions and romantic story she wants from you.

Attachment to Outcome:

Here’s the biggest mistake guys make when talking to women and going on dates: getting too attached to the outcome. Placing all your hopes on that one date is a surefire way to fail. It sets you up for anxiety and disappointment. It sets you in a needy frame which is not what you want. You want a confident outcome-independent frame where you are learning and improving after each date. Enjoy the journey, embrace the process, and stay open to whatever comes your way. Dating is a marathon, not a sprint.

Imagine walking into every date with confidence, knowing exactly how to impress and connect. With my guidance, you’ll learn how to transform your dating game and attract the women you truly desire.

Book your free call with me today and discover:

  • Strategies to Build Instant Attraction
  • Conversation Techniques to Keep Her Engaged
  • Confidence-Boosting Tips to Make a Lasting Impression
  • Proven Methods to Transition from Date to Relationship

Don’t let these mistakes hold you back any longer. Click the link below to schedule your free consultation and start mastering your dating life now.

There you have it, ten brutal newbie errors screwing up your dating life. But don’t worry, with a bit of self-awareness and a willingness to grow, you can overcome these obstacles and become the confident seducer you’re meant to be. Until next time, strive for greatness, and remember: the journey is half the fun!