It’s a common stereotype that well-educated men have everything going for them— they have successful careers, intelligence, and financial stability. Yet, many of these well-educated men often find themselves struggling in the dating world. You might wonder why someone who has their life together on paper has so much difficulty when it comes to relationships. Here’s a deep dive into why well-educated men struggle with girls and dating:
1. Overly Logical
One of the biggest issues with well-educated men when it comes to dating is they are too logical. Due to their well-educated background, they see and expect the world to make sense logically. With a mind trained to analyze, evaluate, and dissect problems and situations these men often approach dating like a math problem to solve. While being intelligent is usually good women don’t follow the 1+1 logic when it comes to dating. What works with one woman might not work with another which leads to well-educated men getting frustrated with dating.
Women are emotional creatures when it comes to dating. If you need more help understanding women from your logical perspective then I recommend joining our modern success VIP program which is tailored for business and well-educated men.
2. Prioritizing Career Over Relationships
Well-educated men often have highly demanding careers that require time, energy, and focus. This dedication to professional success can sometimes come at the expense of their personal lives. Many men focus on their careers instead of social skills and relationships which leads to neglect of their social and romantic lives.
The answer is time management and proper priority of things that you value. You also need someone who is compatible with your high-paced lifestyle.
3. Struggling with Emotional Expression
Intellectual men are often unable to show emotions and express emotions. Women connect with emotions and not logic. You can obviously see the disconnect here. Well-educated men may excel in logical problem solving but women often want emotional partners, not logical ones.
This difficulty in expressing emotions can make it hard for women to understand their feelings, and for men to understand women’s feelings leading to misunderstandings and issues with communication.
4. Overly analytical and Overanalyzing situations
While rational thinking is normally a strength in many areas of the life of well-educated men, it can be a major hindrance in the world of dating for men. Women see Love and attraction as a totally emotional experience. You cannot justify a woman’s emotions in most cases using your man’s logic.
Women want to feel emotions and a connection with the man they are dating and are attracted to. Attraction is on an emotional and psychological level not on a logical level.
5. High Standards and Unrealistic Expectations
Well-educated men often have very high unrealistic standards when it comes to women. They are used to being analytical and more technical which results in them not being able to connect and understand women. While it’s important to have standards when dating, setting them too high or having unrealistic expectations can lead to disaster. Another huge mistake men make is to assume women will behave like men. Women are emotional creatures when it comes to relationships. You doing a checklist of why she should date you is not gonna make her feel attracted to you.
Even if you start dating you will struggle to maintain the relationship.
6. Emotional Connection
As mentioned before women crave emotional connection and attraction. You cannot view relationships like a business deal. Due to this lack of emotional expression and connections most educated men struggle to connect with women on an emotional level.
This often leads to arguments and fights even if you are dating. There is a popular saying in the pickup world called “Change her mood not her mind”. It actually holds true. A lot of times you can end arguments by changing her mood instead of logically fighting over who is right or wrong.
7. Limited Social Circles
Many well-educated men are usually introverts who focus their lives on careers and education. They are especially deeply engrossed in their careers, and their social circles can be limited to colleagues or fellow professionals. This can make it very difficult to meet women and date socially.
Socially circles are really helpful when it comes to dating and relationships. Having social circles helps you become socially savvy expand and increase your chances of meeting more potential dating partners. Being open to new experiences and social opportunities is key to overcoming this limitation.
While well-educated men may face unique challenges in the dating world, they can be easily resolved with some coaching and training. Dating is a science after all. And as long as you get proper coaching and help you can easily get better with women.
To kickstart your dating journey, I’m offering a FREE consultation call. During this call, we’ll discuss your dating challenges and craft a personalized plan to elevate your appeal and success with women.
Don’t let another opportunity pass you by. Embrace the attractive qualities women love and transform your dating life today!
Book your FREE call now and take the first step towards becoming the man you’ve always wanted to be.